Note: there seems to exist multiple variations of the RISC-V SWD protocol, lets call them short packet and long packet, this document describes the long packet version only for now.

RVSWD is the name of the proprietary two-wire debug protocol/DTM on WCH’s RISC-V MCUs.

Similar to ARM’s SWD interface, RWSWD has two wires named DIO and CLK respectively, but the protocol is not compatible.

This protocol basically exposes(addr+data+op/status) the dmi (0x11) register of DTM (Debug Transport Module) in a typical JTAG implementation.


  • CLK and DIO idle high

  • Protocol is half-duplex

  • Protocol uses packet formating

  • DIO falling egde while CLK is idle high marks a START condition

  • DIO rising edge while CLK is idle high marks a STOP condition

  • DIO is updated in the CLK low phase

  • Bits and bytes are sent MSB first

  • Bits are sampled in the CLK rising edge

  • Data polarity is standard (0 is low, 1 is high)

  • Data integrity is verified via parity bits

  • A transaction is always initiated by the host (the debugger)

  • PThe protocol is point-to-point, there’s no target addressing


First parity (Host) is odd parity of Address, Data and Operation field. Second parity (Target) is even parity of Address, Data and Status field.


CLK and DIO idle high the debbuger sends 100 clock strobes with DIO high, and a STOP condition(DIO low, CLK high, DIO rising edge).